Jacques Sturm of Vynova elected as Chair at first Halogens Industry Sector Board
On 24 September 2021, the first Halogens Industry Sector Board took place for the 10 Halogens Sector Group (SG) Chairs and their respective SG Managers, the already existing Halogens Coordination Group (HCG) members and the Board Secretariat (Marleen Pauwels, Halogens Executive Director, and Catherine Birkner, Communications Manager). This new Board represents the last step in Cefic’s five-year plan to restructure the organisation to better integrate the Sector Groups with the horizontal entities. The Board will meet once a year to give strategic direction to the already existing Halogens Coordination Group (HCG) and oversee its work with the next meeting planned for June 2022. The HCG, set up in 2017, consists of all representatives of the Industry Sector in Cefic’s Programme Councils and Fora. It meets four times a year to discuss the respective input and feedback from the horizontal groups that they sit on.
Topics at this first meeting included an update from each of the SG on their work and issues, an overview from the HCG members of their PC and Fora priorities in 2021 and 2022 and a discussion on which topics would be common to all of the SGs.
Jacques Sturm of Vynova, currently the Chair of the Potassium Sector Group, was also elected as the Chair at this meeting. For more information, contact halogens@cefic.be.